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Creativity to create connections that last a lifetime.

Nov. 6, 2017

Hello family! Here we are again with more interesting things to share with you. Surely you have heard or read that the stimulation that your baby receives during the first 3 years of life is very important. Everything you do with him will help in the development of his brain. Everything adds up: singing, dancing, playing, eating, walking, strolling. The essential thing is to appeal to creativity every time you interact with them.

Creativity to create connections that last a lifetime.

Your little one at birth has about 100 million cells in the brain, each one creating connections that form networks. And by his third birthday, do you know how many connections he may have created? Around 1000 trillion. A good number right? It is amazing what happens inside those little heads, and if you are aware of it, you can collaborate so that their development is optimal.

During these first three years you are forging the connections you will use for the rest of your life. If a connection is used repeatedly it is possible that it will become permanent and while that happens there is a connection that is not used, or is used much less, and may not survive. So, what you should try is to open your mind to exciting and different experiences to promote the use of new connections.

Imagination is a resource to which we must always appeal. Its benefits are great and since we've been surrounded by Halloween here and there, it's good to know that costumes open the doors of exploration. In our previous post we discussed the benefits of playing with costumes in childhood, take a look!


If you want to know more about the development of your baby's brain and how important the stimuli it receives in its first years of life are, we recommend that you watch at least the first chapter of the series "The beginning of life" a Netflix series. Here we leave the link to the trailer:


Well family, here we are today. We would love to read your experiences and if there is anything you have to add it will be welcome. If you liked it, you can also share it so that other families can read it.

And don't forget that we are available 24 hours a day in our online store. Happy day!


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