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Soft and delicate, what is it?

Jan. 24, 2018

Hello family! We welcome you to this new blog post, the first of many for this 2018. The theme we have chosen to start the year is to comment on a few things about the skin of our little ones, it is so delicate and it is so pleasant to caress it and kiss her which is our priority.

Soft and delicate, what is it?

You know that newborn skin is extremely sensitive. The difference with ours is that babies do not have sufficient defenses to deal with external aggression. It is thinner, has fewer protective layers, and the cells that make it up are further apart. The consequence that this brings is that more water is absorbed and lost, and it influences its elasticity.

Being so vulnerable, their delicate skin needs special care and it is recommended that the creams and products to be used are specially designed for children's skin, that is, that they are healthy and not aggressive or irritants.

It is best to moisturize the skin after bathing by applying the cream with a gentle massage. This will also help the baby relax. The products must be emollient or with specific oils for the newborn's skin.


Well family, here we are today. We hope that this article has helped you to always know a little more. We would love to read your experiences and if there is anything you have to add it will be welcome. If you liked it, you can also share it so that other families can read it.


In the online store you can find the Lua&Lee body cream for healthy care, with a neutral pH, enriched with sweet almond oil, argan and calendula extract; and toxic free! To see the cream click HERE


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