Lua Lee Kids Children's cosmetics and perfumery.
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Whole Home Scented Pack: 3 sachets for all your cabinets and drawers.

Offer: €16.00
PVP: €20.00
  • Quantity
  • In stock. Immediate shipment.
    Taxes included


Trio of Sachets and everything smells great!Because we know that one is not enough, we created this pack of 3 sachets so that all your drawers, cabinets and dressers smell wonderful. If you put a scented sachet inside, you'll soon find that everything you keep in there will also smell great. You'll be so glad that the whole family's clothes smell fantastic. You can also put a sachet in your suitcase when you travel. Try it and you will want to fill the house with sachets! The Whole Home Scented pack is what you need to give freshness to all your drawers and cabinets; places in the house which are often closed for long periods. Why not give it a try?


More information

Sachets to make everything smell great! The Lua & Lee scented sachet is ideal for places in the house that are usually closed, such as drawers, cabinets and dressers. If you put a scented sachet inside, you'll soon realize that everything you keep in there smells great. What a pleasure knowing that your children's clothes and other things too smell so good. You can also put it in your suitcase when you travel.

 Pack: 3 sachets with the fragrance of Lua & Read.

Instructions for use: Remove sachet from protective bag and place in cabinets, drawers or other small spaces that you want to perfume. 

Olfactive Description: Orange, Leaves , White flowers and Musk.

Comments (5)

| 20/10/2022 | Verified purchase
Whole Home Scented Pack Lua & Lee

Me gusta mucho el olor que desprende y su intesidad al abrir el armario y sentirlo.

| 23/07/2022 | Verified purchase
Whole Home Scented Pack Lua & Lee

Aún no las he utilizado, están esperando que llegue el armario nuevo, pero estoy convencida que no defraudará

| 16/07/2022 | Verified purchase
Whole Home Scented Pack Lua & Lee

Es la primera vez que los compro, esperando que el olor fuera como el spray, se parece pero tiene un pequeño olor a rancio, no sé si es solo el que he abierto o todos, según use veré.

Store response | 20/07/2022

¡Hola Manuel!

Acabamos de abrir uno y es verdad que este  sale con un olor un poquito distinto, pero lo hemos hablado y estamos convencidos de que es debido a  estar encerrados en el sobre de plástico. Cuando nosotros los probamos, lo hacemos sin llegar a cerrarlos, tal como los fabricamos, y por eso nunca nos damos cuenta. Estamos seguros de que ira cambiando el olor si no es que te ha cambiado ya. Si no fuera así, puedes escribirnos y miramos como lo podemos solucionar!

Muchas gracias por compartir tu experiencia y darnos feedback 😀

| 15/12/2021 | Verified purchase
Whole Home Scented Pack Lua & Lee

Me ha gustado, deja un perfume en el armario bastante buena, en cuanto a la duración todavía es pronto para opinar

| 15/12/2021 | Verified purchase
Whole Home Scented Pack Lua & Lee

Me encantan estos saquitos. Los tenemos en los armarios de casa tanto de los peques como de los adultos.

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (1)


Que duración tienen???

Store response | 22/04/2022

Depende un poco del lugar en donde lo dejes situado. Dentro de un cajon de armario, puede durar unos 20 días aproximadamente 😀

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